chemistry test

yesterday, My chemistry teacher named Teacher nik Kamaraiah had made a suprise test which she didn't tell anyone.
so, my friends kaena, nikkun and the others looked so worried that we couldn't answer those questions, but the teacher said : it's ok just easier"

(T_T) So sad I cant answer the question of molarity and calculation of volume........

so, the conclusion I thought that failed gonna coming for me.....

(I x bangga)

Everyone has two sides

Everyone has two sides: "Choose yours. Vote for your favourite video and win!"


OH,,,,, PS3,PSP the prize for the winner, I'll precipitate for this to win the prizes, hahaaaaxxxxxxx
bora bora, I have no idea whut to write 'bout.......

CHOI MIN HO (최 분, 호)

yesterday, I had sent azrina message and said that Choi min ho birthday same as me.....
but it not gonna change anything.................hahahaaxxxx

Azrina U kena tekan kat sini hahhaaaxxxx

credit to azrina:

SHINee(샤이니)_LUCIFER_뮤직비디오(MusicVideo) HD

AT SCHOOL BORA I bangga ngn U
Ana: bosan aku ng dua org nie asyik2 bora aje, hari2 yg aku dengar I bangga, muleks,n bora.......

Know something special today, Ain(a.k.a lion) Said Amy I bangga ngn U hahahaaaxxx Ain I bangga ngn U sebab U dah terpengaruh ngn I n Azrina...
kaena U mesti teruskan menyebarkan virus bora bora yg semakin merebak kat sekolah SMKSG
I bangga....... hahahaaxzxxx

N today azrina is my rival cause try to take my min ho from me.............
I wont let her get my min ho hahahaaavxx]]]x

school makes me sometime fell annoying

So this is the story, I thought it must be fun to have the time study at school but It feels annoying when the(..........................................)
So I can't tell what's happening, It feels like so hurt...........
  back to other story

Time:around 11.49 a.m.
place:class 5sc1

I: kak na mulai skrang I nak serius belajar
hajar: muka x serius pon
Kaena: amy, I tengok muka U mcm mak cik penjual bahulu kat tepi rumah Hajar...dulu masa saya kecik2 sy suka mkn bahulu mk cik tu..hari2 sy g beli..hahahahaxx I bangga ngn mak cik tu
I:I bangga n I ingat masa dulu kita main masak2 kat belakang rumah U
kaena: I x kenal pun U dahulu I kenal u masa tingkatan 1
I: pertemuan kita sangat indah mcm dlm manga Shouju
Ana: gelilah aku dengar dua orng nie

Entah apalah azrina bora katakan tp I bangga ngn dy bora

homework bora

why I called this homework bora 'cause it's really bora.... bla bla bla
BM,ADD MATH,CHE,PHY,BIO............huirhhhhhhhhhhhhhh woof
this is called death to hell......
hahahahaaaxxxx*devil laugh*


when I heard this story I'm so sad......hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
is that true that they gonna deactive facebook
what's worry me my not friends but the game that i had played for almost one year............*sob*
I bangga dengan bora


At last I finally found my old blog, so I've cancelled my new blog hope everyone inform that ok.....
before that I wanna insert image of happy the blue talking cat. he's so cute
the character that i really love in Fairy Tail anime


Jadi inilah percuma untuk bumper arena n kreko bora. Memang bora

art lattle

Talking 'bout art latte coffee, I knew everyone love this....
so tasty uuhhh
